Capital works are works undertaken to change the layout, use, and/or functionality of an existing built asset or space including:

  • Modifying or enhancing the appearance, such as (i.e. repainting or redecorating)
  • Improving the condition of the integral infrastructure associated with a property, such as installing a new lift, new sewage system, or new landscaping

or to establish a new asset or space.

Capital works projects vary in scope, duration, value, complexity, and risk. Without a professional FM provider overlooking capital projects, businesses increase the possibility of violating compliance regulations, wasting time and money, and interrupting business operations.

Benefits of
Capital Works


Greater transparency
and control of costs

RCR uses our expertise to help businesses practically plan the costs as well as accurately record, and timely report the latest status of the project. This will help the project owner always stay transparent and also lead to significant reductions in the final project costs



With more than 10 years of experience, we have streamlined business processes, from initiation, delivery, tracking, and reporting, and a collection of best practices that ensure all your projects consistently delivered in high-quality standards



Non-compliance with safety, health, or any regulations and requirements can lead to severe consequences. As a professional FM provider, RCR ensures your projects meets all regulatory requirements reducing the risk of financial loss, reputational damage, and safety hazards